TERA Blockchain Platform Announces Launch of Pioneering TERANova Update

The development team of the high-end TERA blockchain platform has announced the launch of the TERANova update of the system. TERA blockchain project, launched on the 1st of July, 2018, has resolved the main issues, such as scalability and speeds, with full decentralization, that currently limit the development of the blockchain industry. On April 5, 2019, the creator of the project, Yuri Ivanov, announced the TERANova update – a breakthrough for blockchain technologies. “The essence of the TERANova update is that users can start mining without downloading the whole blockchain. This is a significant advancement over existing blockchains, which are

The post TERA Blockchain Platform Announces Launch of Pioneering TERANova Update appeared first on CCN Markets

source https://www.ccn.com/tera-blockchain-platform-announces-launch-of-pioneering-teranova-update

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